I've been itching for a solo trip lately, since recently all of my trips have been with other people. So this month, I'm throwing it back to my last solo trip which was in April 2017. Enjoy!
Three quarters of my favorite group are from Cincinnati. Being the ultimate 98 Degrees fan girl since I was 12, I decided to go. Yes, that is essentially the only reason why. They have always repped their city hardcore, so I wanted to see what was so great about it. Although I didn't spot any of my guys while I was there, I enjoyed my time. Also, the flight was $121 roundtrip with checked bags, so why not?!
I wanted to take a hip hop class because I used to dance when I was younger, and have been wanting to get back into it. So I looked up dance studios, and found the studio that Drew Lachey and his wife Lea recommend. Score!

I was totally rusty, but it was a fun time, and free! (The very first class you take is free). I'm still trying to perfect the combo that I learned, and by golly, I will get it! I had planned to take another class afterward called gyrokinesis, but it was cancelled, which was disappointing, but also good because it meant that I'd get to eat dinner sooner, lol.
Lachey's coming into view!

Screens broadcasting every sport with random sports facts scrolling underneath!

These jerk fries were bomb!

The bathroom was super sexy. All red with a gold ceiling. I obviously lounged here for a while.

I headed to Findlay Market on Thursday to check it out. I made it out with crystals, wine, cheese, chocolate, and a fresh baguette. Then I headed home to have a French style lunch in my apartment.

I told myself I wouldn't do it, but I spent $9 on this spicy chocolate.

Then I spent time posing in the good lighting, and admiring the character in the apartment.

I took a walk later and bought some famous Graeter's ice cream.

On Friday, I went to Total Juice Plus and got this amazing veggie wrap called Vegetarian Heaven, filled with lentils, avocado, kale, feta, and other goodness. (2019 update: I make this wrap myself all the time now. One of the best things ever!) I also got an apple tonic fresh juice with apple, lemon, and ginger, and I had them add beets. Absolutely delicious; I wish I had one right now! Then I strolled over to Piatt Park to enjoy my meal and read my book.

I couldn't stay in the park too long because it was cold, so I took a walk.

Such pretty, colorful buildings!
Had to stop by the School for Creative and Performing Arts. MTV's Taking The Stage anyone? And the school is right across the street from a nice park.

As someone who takes public transportation, I loved that their buses were always on time, and most bus stops had an electronic sign displaying departure times. SEPTA could take many pointers from them.

After ducking into a Macy's to buy swimsuits (and catching a major sale), I headed over to Xavier University. They have the only Pizza ATM in the North America!
Mother Teresa just chillin' on campus.

You pick your pizza , pay by card, and then it shows the progress of your pizza. Only took about 3 minutes! Not the greatest pizza, but not too shabby. The experience alone was worth the $8. But let me just say, that I was only probably able to get into the school buildings because people always think I'm some kind of student. (Good genes!)

Saturday was my last day; I had an afternoon flight. I spent the rest of Friday indoors because of a huge storm that rolled in. We're talking rain, lightning, and thunder that shook my whole building. That weather continued the next day, with severe flooding. I couldn't even get out of the apartment because the water was so high. It was kind of scary. It foiled my plans to go to Lachey's again for brunch, as well as hit a few more stores. Luckily, Findlay Market was still open (I wanted to get more crystals), so once the storm calmed down, and there was some drainage in front of my door, I ventured out. Btw, I like that there are several signs around the market with historical facts.

I made out with more crystals, some honey sticks, handmade soap, lotion, and other goodies. For a naturalista like me, there's some good stuff there. On my walk back, I met the cutest baby snail, and chatted with him in my hand for a while. You know, another surprise is that I saw a lizard. I've never seen a lizard outside of Florida or the Caribbean before. That was pretty cool.
Once at the airport, I made another stop to Graeter's for their Buckeye ice cream, and let me tell you, I wish I'd bought a pint of that earlier. That flavor was everything! Chocolate ice cream with fudge chunks and peanut butter cookie dough. YUM! I also bought a scrumptious donut and their root beer chapstick, that I can't stop applying to my lips. It tastes so good!
All in all, it was a great trip. I planned a full itinerary, but I definitely got some down time in. Despite the weather and me being sick with a recently burned hand, I made the most of my time. I really like that Cincy is a small city because I come from one as well, although mine is a bit smaller. I found most people to be SUPER friendly and lovely to chat with. I found the men to be as aggressive, forward, and flirtatious as they are in Philly, if not more. It really might be more though, lol. I got hit on so many times, even once by a college student (I forget I look young to people). As I was waiting for the bus one day, I even looked up to find a man slowing down in his car in order to snap a photo of me! Now that was ridiculous and not okay. And unfortunately, Lachey's Bar closed less than a year later, but overall, I would totally go back to Cincinnati! (And hopefully actually see my guys next time!)