Heya! Welcome to another Travels With Tiffany! In June 2017, I spent four days in Myrtle Beach, SC with my family. I'd gone there before with them two years ago, and I honestly wouldn't have returned had this not been planned by someone else. (My mom and her 8 siblings were gathering there for a siblings retreat, so we made it a family vacay afterward). Myrtle Beach is a young city, established only in 1938. For me, I like to go somewhere with more history, culture, and attractions, so if that's you too, you may not be into this location. It's basically a tourist town with a gang load of mini golf places and other family activity spots. The beach itself is nice, but I don't really think anyone goes to Myrtle Beach for something special that only they can offer. The one place I can say we returned to was this store called I Love Sugar. It is unsurprisingly a candy/gelato shop. It's pricey of course, and was my main sugar indulgence for a long time, aside from the Krispy Kreme donuts I bought. Guilty. But it's vacation! Lol.
Recommendations? I'd say Nacho Hippo is a good spot for Mexican. I intended to go to a vegan shop called Bay Naturals, but never made it. I don't think we actually went anywhere else because there was so much grocery store food in our condo. Broadway at the Beach was kinda cool. It's like an amusement park, but there are lots of shops there too. We went there to watch fireworks, which lasted a whopping 7 minutes, lol. Afterward, we went to a jerky shop. Now, this would've totally been my thing if I was a carnivore, because beef jerky used to be a weakness of mine as a kid. When I asked for veggie jerky, I was pointed toward the fruit chips 😂. I had to school the guy on seitan; it was HILARIOUS. But if you are a meat eater, they pretty much have every kind of jerky: elk, antelope, kangaroo, ostrich, alligator, trout, etc. (Wow, that makes me really sad typing that. Poor animals). They have a bunch of flavors too, like cherry maple and cajun bbq. That's a wrap on MB for me, and my quick little escape from Philly! We spent a night in Virginia as well, where I spent my birthday. I'll leave y'all with a few photos.

Waiting to leave, and finding out there's a delay. Had to stay overnight in a crusty hotel in NC. I made the airline refund me for that of course.

Chillin' at the beach with my sis and nephew.


Little sis rockin' my Mellow Vybes hoodie.

Sisters Only mini golf. (plus baby)

The view from my aunt's place.

I'd take that advice!

Mini golf again ( the 'rents included this time).

I ate all of these :-(

Broadway at the beach after watching fireworks.

Taking a morning stroll with baby sister.

I spent most of my 31st birthday in a van driving back up north.

Outside of Miso in Fredericksburg, VA, after my birthday dinner.